Wednesday, March 3, 2010



-Deposited babysitting money
-Deposited rent check
-Got copy of platter order from TOP
-Did the dishes
-Mailed my deposit check to the florist

To do:

-Update "Amber Wedding Expenses" list with floral deposit
-Check and respond to phone messages
-Check and respond to email messages
-Empty trash
-Check and respond to Facebook messages
-Do laundry
-Format 10 names/addresses from guest list
-Facebook message game night people
-Email Dad about plumbing problems in upstairs bathroom
-Look for more checks and reorder
-Work on BSF lesson
-Clean downstairs bathroom
-Clean out car

Big list today, but I got off babysitting three hours earlier today so I have more time.

Update: 3:07 PM


-Update "Amber Wedding Expenses" list with floral deposit
-Check and respond to phone messages
-Check and respond to email messages
-Empty trash
-Check and respond to Facebook messages
-Format 10 names/addresses from guest list
-Facebook message game night people
-Email Dad about plumbing problems in upstairs bathroom

To Do:

-Look for more checks and reorder
-Work on BSF lesson
-Clean downstairs bathroom
-Clean out car
-Do laundry

The laundry is in process, and I am losing my energy reserves from working this morning and this afternoon. I am going to clean out my car (since it's basically cleaned out anyway), look around for more checks, and take a 1 hour nap.

Update: 7:59 PM

I got it done but kind of cheated a little bit. My roomie cleaned the downstairs bathroom, so instead of subbing it with "upstairs bathroom" I just crossed it off. And I'm not technically done with laundry because there is one load to be folded and put away. But I did everything else - and I even found my checkbooks so I don't have to reorder! Yay!

What will tomorrow's list look like? Probably something like this:

-Work on BSF
-Format at least 10 addresses for invitations
-Email back espresso catering place
-Tidy the living room for game night
-Empty trash
-Take Airborne
-Take care of Facebook messages
-Mow lawn if weather permits

Let me just say I really don't want to mow the lawn. By "weather permits" I mean "not wet" because wet grass is a pain. In Seattle in March, that's hard to get.

I'm not putting much on my list tomorrow because I'm working till 1ish and then have game night at 7. I also started getting my allergies bad today, which is weird because I always take medicine for it. Guess it's not working anymore. But I suspect I'll be exhausted tomorrow.

The other reason for going easy tomorrow is that I have Friday off work and can use the opportunity to get lots done!

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